
Why Investing in Sustainable IT companies

Businesses are under increasing pressure to set an example for sustainability for stakeholders like employees, clients, and investors. 40% of businesses worldwide report on the financial impacts of climate change, and the majority of them have carbon emission reduction objectives in place.

73% of Gen Z consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products, according to a 2020 First Insight research. Gen Z customers want to work at environmentally friendly enterprises in addition to spending money supporting sustainable businesses.

Sustainable Finance

"Green finance, another name for sustainable finance, describes investment choices that take into account ESG (environmental, social, and governance) considerations in their projects or activities. This phrase refers to a broader category of actions that companies take to strengthen their performance in terms of corporate social responsibility."

Since you optimize resources, make savings, and so gain a greater sustainability margin, you need to review the business model, incorporating real actions connected to sustainability. 44% of the CEOs surveyed for the PwC Survey on Sustainability in Latin America have likewise confirmed this.